The ultimate goal of Pathways to
As students, when you listen to lectures, read and study the content, we hope that this book will help you
draw pictures of the concepts in your minds. In this context, the comment if you can 't draw a picture of
it, youprobably don't understand it" made by Larry M. Lee (B.S., M.S ., Engineering) should serve as an
educational mantra in your pursui t ofunderstanding, regardless ofthe subj ect matter.
Third Edition of Pathways to Pregnancy and Parturition is not an expanded one. It remains approximately
the same length as 2nd Revised Edition. It continues to reflect ourphilosophy that science textbooks should
focus on the essential concepts without unessential detail, build a logical flow ofinforn1ation and refrain
from becoming " information dumps" that overwhelm students and instructors alike.
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